Wednesday, April 11, 2007

So Much For BuzzMetrics

Rafat Ali accuses Nielsen's new BuzzMetrics research product of being just so much "hooey" - and provides compelling proof. Buzzmetrics is the “advanced text-mining algorithms"-based “filtered blog buzz” research" developed to measure buzz in the blogosphere, to monitor consumer-generated media, and to provide backup for social media consulting. I'll let you know if Nielsen responds - wonder if they bother to measure their own blog buzz? From Rafat's post on the subject: "We’re among the top 25 blogs discussing “Sanjaya”, according to Nielsen BuzzMetrics, the “global measurement standard in consumer-generated media”. Well. Funny they mention that, because we haven’t ever written about Sanjaya. American Idol, yes, Sanjaya, zilch. We’re #21 on the list, above Gizmodo (another site I can guarantee never wrote about Sanj). " He goes on: "So let’s stop with this PR glibness, and let’s start developing better ways to measure this." Link to the post on

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just left a response for Rafat, but I'll do the same here. First, Rafat made a good catch. But let me clarify:

Our analysis showcased a list which ranked blogs (including Rafat's) which were most linked to by other blogs most-actively discussing Sanjaya, and we believe there were some interesting patterns, particularly toward the front of the list, but less toward the end.

There was ambiguity on our part, as evidenced by Rafat's assumption that we credited you with actually discussing Sanjaya. Factually, Rafat was among people most heavily referenced by others actively discussing Sanjaya. In retrospect, we should’ve been clearer, as well as reduced the length of the ranking where the patterns were less significant.

Thanks for keeping us on our toes. I’m at max (at) Kalehoff (at)

Mas Kalehoff
VP - Marketing
Nielsen BuzzMetrics