Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Obama VP Text Thing - Wrap Up

The campaign didn't disclose how many messages were sent, but Nielsen used it's resources to estimate that 2.9 million opt-in recipients were texted on Friday night. According to MobileMarketer, Nic Covey of Nielsen Mobile Insights had these fine comments about the whole thing: >>

“This weekend’s VP message may not itself give Obama a great edge, but the ability to communicate with supporters through Election Day, via a medium they can’t ignore, will serve the campaign well,” Mr. Covey said.

“Imagine how this impacts get-out-the-vote efforts on Election Day, for example,” he said. “Say voter turnout is low in a key DMA. They could conceivably text-message supporters in the target area code and remind them to call their friends.

Can marketers employ this tactic?

“While marketers may not have 2.9 million people waiting with bated breath for their next product announcement, they should consider what text-based value they can offer to consumers to build such a relationship with them,” Mr. Covey said.


For a snarkier take on the whole thing, visit www.236.com...

Hey Look, It's Another Friggin Obama Text!

Oh Dear God, Now McCain's Texting Us

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